Design a character modeled after yourself for a choice of game
Mass effect 3 is an RPG where players take on the role of Commander Shepard. Its set in the future, where inter-galactic space travel is a possibility. Earth is at risk from a pre-historic species known as the “Reapers” and Shepard is at the forefront of the resistance against them
The rights for all images belong to their original creators
Amar “Jugaadu” Ra’vii
Injured when a rogue missile ended up crashing into his car, Amar used to be an Alliance soldier. The Alliance, however, abandoned him when it came to honoring his health insurance. An engineer by training, there began “Jugaadu” Amar’s journey to rebuilding himself, literally piece by piece. His armor and body comprise of elements pried off of Turian, Geth and Alliance armor held together by a neural network made out of a synthetic spinal cord. Originally driven by profits, Amar’s perspective on the world changed when he was saved by Shepard and team on a contract gone wrong
The final part of the assignment was to render the character in an environment that looks like it belongs in the game world but was not explored or shown in the game. I chose an underwater setting for my character